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RRIMF Mission

A Personal Message from Chairman


ince the age of 19, when I first accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I have had a calling on my life to preach, teach and pray for the sick and people in need. Studying at the feet of my father, Oral Roberts, has given me a unique opportunity to learn and grow into all that the Lord has called me to do.

Several weeks before my father went home to be with the Lord, he and I were talking when the Lord gave him a prophetic word for me, saying, “Son, when you get into your mid-sixties, you will become a minister to ministers, not only here in the United States but especially to pastors in other nations around the world. You will teach and preach to them and display the power of the Holy Spirit and healing so that they will have the same burning passion for souls that you have.”

For years, God has put a desire in my heart to provide teaching materials and ministry resources to pastors and Christian leaders around the world.

As I prayed about this stirring in my heart, the Lord directed me to the Book of John. In John 14:12, Jesus says to His disciples, The works that I do, you shall do also, and greater works than these shall you do because I go to My Father. Just think about that for a moment and let it really sink in. As believers, we are all disciples of Christ. We all have the power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. The same power that was working in the lives of Peter, Paul, John and the rest of Christ’s original disciples is at work in each and every one of us. As pastors, ministers and Christian leaders, we have a responsibility to take hold of this essential Biblical truth and teach it to the nations.

After spending a lot of time in prayer and listening to the Lord’s direction, I have developed what I’m calling the Greater Works Campaign. I believe God is calling us to get this campaign in place to help usher in the great end-time harvest of souls that the Bible talks about (Matthew 13:24–30; Mark 16:20; Revelation 14:15).

As a part of this campaign, I have been directed by the Lord to start a minister’s fellowship—to join together ministers and Christian leaders, sharing God’s Word with power and love, and bringing signs and wonders into our churches and ministries around the world based on the Word of God.

It has been estimated that somewhere between 60% and as many as 80% of pastors and ministers in underdeveloped nations have no formal Bible training. God has so much goodness for His people, and I want to


be a part of helping these pastors be all that God has called them to be. I want to help my fellow ministers Reach People, Equip Leaders and Demonstrate Power in their lives so that they are able to reach their communities and nations for the glory of God.

That is what the Richard Roberts International Ministerial Fellowship is all about. It is not a denomination and does not plan to become one. It is a fellowship—a united group of men and women knit together by the Holy Spirit for the purposes of spiritual soundness and inspiration and for mutual support so that you, too, can do the Greater Works that Jesus promised we would do.

The Richard Roberts International Ministerial Fellowship is a vehicle for Spirit-filled, Spirit-led ministers of the Gospel to meet periodically to share their insights into God’s Word and, through sharing, to provide both encouragement and enlightenment. I believe that even as we communicate with one another, we will discover new and deeper revelations of God’s Word and have our personal lives enriched and our ministries made more effective through love and signs and wonders.

I know all these are benefits that many ministers will be interested in. I personally am looking forward to sharing what we have learned and what we have earned. I want to see us become strong—strengthening one another in our abilities to minister to the needs of people, operating fully in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and by our unity and love through mighty signs and wonders extending the saving, healing, delivering and restoring power of Jesus Christ through nations around the world.

I warmly invite you to become a part of this fellowship of Richard Roberts International Ministerial Fellowship. We welcome you as a brother or sister in Christ. And we eagerly anticipate great times of sharing and seeing God move in mighty ways.
